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Saarah's Foundation Launched For Hidden Disabilities

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

A foundation has been launched in memory of a young woman to help raise awareness of hidden disabilities...

Saarah Ahmed, from Carlisle, had a form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) so rare only about 15 people in the UK have it.

The 20-year-old psychology student had shared on social media the daily struggles and battles she faced in a bid to educate others before her death in April 2021. Now, her family has set up Saarah’s Foundation to support people with EDS and hidden disabilities in Cumbria.

“This foundation is for rare diseases and rare diseases like Saarah’s and it also involves hidden disabilities,” said Sarrah’s mum, Shefaly Begum. “This is something Saarah wanted to do and we’re going to carry on with her legacy.”

Saarah, who was a finalist in Miss Universe Great Britain, used her platform to educate others about living with EDS. Now her family are set to continue her campaign.


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