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Flying Scholarship Awarded to Paralysed Man from Bristol

A 56-year-old paralysed man from Bristol has learnt the basics of flying after being awarded a scholarship by the disabled flying charity Aerobility.

Chris Selway has T7 Complete Paraplegia - paralysis of the lower limbs because of damage to the spinal cord.

“I needed a challenge, something to focus on and a goal to aim for,” said Chris.

“I have tried numerous types of flying over the course of my adult life and the opportunity to have some sponsored lessons in a 'proper' aircraft was just too good to pass up.

“Every lesson brought a new challenge and I seemed to be moving forwards quite quickly. What was absolutely daunting on my first flight started to become more natural as time went on.”

Aerobility is a UK Charity which changes lives by providing anyone, with any disability, access to the magic and wonder of flight.

“We offer scholarships to ensure anyone can fly with Aerobility, we know how participating in aviation changes lives, and we want as many people as possible to experience that,” said Mike Miller-Smith, CEO at Aerobility.

To find out more about flying charity Aerobility, please visit


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