COMPETITION: Win A Short Break For Two At Revitalise Respite Holiday Centres
We have a fantastic competition right now for this incredible stay with a choice of three or four nights at two destinations - just subscribe to our free digital magazine (and weekly newsletter) by entering our random draw below before the closing date!
Revitalise is offering a free short break for two at one of their two fully accessible, respite holiday centres!
Revitalise’s breaks offer a fantastic holiday experience with the reassurance of 24-hour care support. The short break is for either 3 or 4 nights (4 nights Monday – Friday or 3 nights Friday to Monday) and is suitable for people with almost any disability or care needs.
Choose from one of these two respite locations:
Jubilee Lodge - Nestled away in the leafy suburbs of London, Jubilee Lodge offers the best of both worlds with its relaxing setting on the outskirts of Epping Forest, just half an hour away from the lights and sights of London.
Sandpipers - Situated by Southport's beautiful Marine Lake, Sandpipers offers a picturesque location and a classic holiday feel in a friendly seaside town within easy reach of some of the North West’s best attractions.
To enter, just subscribe to our free online magazine and weekly newsletter (using the form below or on our subscription page) for your chance to win! If you've already subscribed then we'll enter you automatically.
The competition closes on January 31 2024 - best of luck!

Win A Break With Revitalise

Prize information:
We will inform the winner following the closure of the competition on January 31 2024. Full-board hospitality including all meals, care, excursions, activities and entertainment is included in the break. Winner is responsible for their own transport to and from the centre of their choice. Break is to be taken between 1 February 2024 and 31 May 2024. By entering this competition you knowingly accept these terms and conditions.