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Wheelchair Equality Tops New Group’s Agenda

A new group aims to improve wheelchair provision for users across England.


The Special Innovation Group, set up by the Wheelchair Alliance, will improve access to innovations that improve wheelchairs and benefit wheelchair users.


Westminster was the venue for the first meeting of the group which was hosted by the Alliance’s President, The Baroness Grey-Thompson, bringing together manufacturers, the NHS Supply Chain and representatives from other organisations to discuss what innovation means and how it can be achieved.


The meeting discussed education, accurate data, budgets, equipment, simplification and a host of other innovative thoughts. The next step will be to produce a workplan to deliver change.


The Wheelchair Alliance was launched in 2015 to champion the needs of wheelchair users. Recent research carried out by the Alliance shows that Government investment in wheelchair provision remains low, while access to the 118 regional wheelchair services has been described as a ‘postcode lottery’. 


“There are major inequalities in the service at present and that has to change,” said Nick Goldup, CEO and Chair of the Wheelchair Alliance.


“It is essential that people are able to access the wheelchair they need when they need it.


“The meeting was the first step in bringing all the key parties together to discuss the way forward. It was a very positive meeting, which touched on speed of delivery and plans to ensure the highest possible training for professionals.


“The next step will be for us to create a strategy and roadmap which will guide our work in the future.”






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