Donations totalling £320,000 will support the first phase of a charity’s ambitious programme to build new accessible housing.
The Wolfson Foundation, Garfield Weston and The Anson Charitable Trust have all announced that they will support the plans to create more housing for adults with disabilities at Camphill Milton Keynes.
Established in 1981, Camphill MK provides support, accommodation, and day workshops for adults with learning disabilities and autism.
The community has struggled with a lack of space for some years with a long waiting list of local referrals and more enquiries from individuals that would require accessible wet-rooms and spaces with adaptive technologies.
The existing buildings are more than 40 years old, with some not offering the level-access and space required for individuals with additional access needs.
“These grants have come at a critical time for us” said Tim Davies, CEO of Camphill MK.
“We will be starting works this spring and it means a lot that such prestigious grant-makers have chosen to support us. The team at Camphill has been working on the building plans for six years, undergoing consultations, planning development, tendering, and fundraising – we are excited that this is starting to become very real.”
The first phase of building works will see 12 bedrooms built, with a total of 60 rooms being created over the next five years.
For further information go to www.camphillmk.co.uk